Preparing for the coming persecution of |
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Dr. James Dobson's January 14 & 15, 1999 Focus on the Family broadcasts focused on the growing animosity that society is directing against Christians and conservatives. He warned that it could blossom into full-scale persecution.
Dr. Dobson excerpted several hate-filled inflammatory statements made by prominent people.
The first excerpt was from actor Alec Baldwin, who shouted the following during a Conan O'Brian (??) program:
The second excerpt was from attorney Alan Durchowitz(sp?):
"This is truly the first battle in a great culture war. And, if this President is impeached, it will be a great victory for the forces of evil. Evil! Genuine evil! People like Congressman Bob Barr, Senator Trent Lott, Senator Jesse Helms, who support white supremacist organizations, will claim a victory over decency and decent people. And, I hope that moderates out there realize that even if they don't like Bill Clinton, to vote for impeachment is to vote to give their party over to the mad dogs of radicalism."
According to the above quotes, Christians are worthy of death because of the influence we have on society. We are bigots, anti-environmental, radical, genuinely evil, racist, non-decent, crazy/mad, and radical. Apparently we are the cause of many ills and evils in our society. Not only are we "dogs--" the scum of society, we are "mad dogs--" creatures which are a threat to society and must be removed.
There's only 1 step between this sort of hate-filled rhetoric and actual deeds and laws perpetrated to silence and control such dangerous and destructive elements of society.
When Nero was Caesar in Rome, the city burned. To defuse the anger and blame that was focusing on him, he passed the blame to the Christians, saying they were responsible for the burning of Rome. All the long built-up anger and unhappiness exploded in a flurry of persecution, torture, and slaughter of Christians.
It takes very little astuteness to see the same thing happening in our culture and nation. We are crumbling at the foundation and splitting at the seams and rotten to the core. Everyone is angry about it, although everyone sees different causes, and therefore has a different solution.
The left/politically correct/environmentalist/socialist/liberal is focusing just about every evil as being caused by Christians or values derived from a Christian worldview. Our values have been represented variously as conservative, heterosexual, Puritan, protestant, Christian, etc., and now, our heritage is being vilified.
Will we witness a point of critical mass, when the right number of people accept the lies of the godless, and the full wrath that is building becomes focused on Christians and those values derived from Christianity? Will the ignition point be an economic downturn? A natural disaster? An artificially created panic leading to major economic problems, such as y2k? A few more school shootings?
Or will we see a gradual movement towards persecution? Perhaps a few violent anti-Christian groups will take it upon themselves to do away with us, while the government looks away (as is the current practice in Islamic countries)?
Whatever path it takes, the handwriting is on the wall: persecution is coming.
Dr. Dobson described as follows the continuum of hatred and intolerance that develops into persecution:
1. humor and ridicule,
Christians and conservatives are made fun of and mocked. In
movies, they are stupid, fat, ignorant, etc.
2. vilification and demonization
They become the cause of everything unacceptable.
3. censorship and discrimination
As I used to hear in college, fascists don't have the right to
free speech, and anything the left doesn't agree with is fascism,
according to them.
4. persecution.
Early persecution includes jailing Christians who put their faith
into practice, such as those fighting abortion and the homosexual
agenda, and those who take the gospel where it is not welcomed.
Initially, only those who challenge and defy the anti-Christian
onslaught are targeted, and most Christians tend to blame those
standing for righteousness, saying they brought it on themselves
(Judges 15:11-13). But, eventually the scope of persecution
The below article bolsters Dobson's premise that we are in an all-out war with those who are diametrically opposed to everything that is right and good, and everything that this country was created to be. Pay particular attention to Clinton's remarks describing Christians (in as much as Christians do not tolerate homosexuality or other wickedness) as harmful and damaging to society, and how we must be punished and fought, our viewpoints assaulted, and our speech and influence of others prevented.
Taken from:
The Winds
Homosexual "Change Agents" Facilitate Implosion of American Culture
Last week the school board in Provincetown, Mass. voted to begin educating preschoolers about homosexual lifestyles, according to an article in the Washington Times. The board also decided in favor of hiring preferences for "sexual minorities," a move that puts Provincetown on the cutting edge of the homosexual agenda. "We are on a trailblazing path," said Susan Fleming, superintendent of Provincetown schools. "We are going to be a change agent."
Provincetown is a homosexual enclave on Cape Cod. Nearly half of the town's parents are homosexual, as are the school's top officials. Jeannine Cristina is a lesbian that has a bi-racial daughter in a Provincetown school - a daughter she conceived through artificial insemination. Miss Cristina is also the president of the Provincetown PTA and the one who initially pushed the pro-homosexual school board decision. The adopted seven-point plan broadly calls on the school system to reject "bias" in curriculum. The stated goal is to equip "students, teachers and the community at large with the tools needed to combat racism, sexism, ableism, classism, heterosexism and homophobia and all forms of oppression...." To teach this "anti-bias" curriculum the school system will "search for, hire and retain a diverse staff, including sexual minorities." (Source:The Washington Times, "Provincetown Preschoolers to Learn ABC's of Being Gay," August 21, 1997).
Miss Cristina remarked that the success of her proposal is "truly a milestone in education." "I'd be so excited to have this happen across the nation," she said. "But the reality is a lot of work has to be done across the country, and hopefully Provincetown will be the model." Miss Cristina also won the help of local homosexual activist John Perry Ryan who explained that the plan is to end the "dominance" of the perspective of the "white Europeans...who are also very heterosexual, very Christian, very male." (ibid.)
President Clinton was vacationing at Martha's Vineyard, about 40 miles from Provincetown, when the school board approved the "anti-bias" plan. Proponents urged the White House to endorse it, but there has been no reaction as of yet. The lack of response is characteristic of the president when confronted with an explosive issue. One may be assured that the silence does not mean indecision, because the president has several militant homosexuals in his administration and his Hate Crimes conference, scheduled for November 11th, plans to address America's "bias" problems.
Provincetown and President Have Same Plan
In case Miss Cristina is feeling put off by the Clinton's silence about her plan for America, all she needs to do is review his radio address of June 7, 1997. In that address the president announced his planned White House conference on hate crimes, and announced his initiative for the eradication of those "biases" that are the target of the Provincetown plan. On the surface the president's address was full of the usual benign cliches and platitudes, however, the trained ear may discern the trumpet call for another assault in America's culture war.
Like George Bush's speeches during the Gulf War, President Clinton's June 7th address was liberally sprinkled with globalist Newspeak. He said, " we move into a new century with its global economy and its global society, our rich diversity is a powerful strength...", a powerful strength for the ruling elite, that is, as the American social fabric is ripped to shreds by "diverse" counter cultures, making the enslavement of all more certain.
Hate Crime - Daring to Think or Speak the Truth
Clinton lamented, "We still have our ugly words and awful violence, our burned churches and bombed buildings." He neglected to explain that this violence is often the effect of the culture war he is nurturing and supporting with his high office. He hinted at a remedy for the "ugly words" that he deems to be the cause of our troubles when he said, " is time for us to mount an all-out assault on hate crimes, to punish them swiftly and severely, and to do more to prevent them from happening in the first place." (emphasis supplied). This collectivist solution will not only include a punishment of illegal acts committed, but the restriction of "hate speech" as defined by the cultural elites, and the cleansing of our personal "biases" or "thought crimes" by the cultural "thought police."
Clinton went on to say, "...the fight against hatred and intolerance must be waged not just through our laws, but in our hearts as well.... It is just not enough to prevent acts of violence to our bodies, we must prevent acts of violence to our spirits.... Even a small number of Americans who harbor and act upon hatred and intolerance can do enormous damage to our efforts to bind together our increasingly diverse society." (emphasis supplied). In other words, "We must change the beliefs of those who are intolerant of our perversity. As society becomes more corrupt and degraded (diverse), many are likely to become upset by small groups of people reproving our perversions and exposing our lies. These individuals can do enormous damage to our efforts to consolidate complete control over the masses."
NEA and Public Education - Potent Weapon of Cultural Subversion
Clinton also warned in his address that "a newborn child today does not know how to hate or stereotype another human being; that behavior must be learned," and this is the basis for the Provincetown plan to teach preschoolers about homosexual lifestyles. The earlier a state-run school can get a "head start" against the values and cultural mores of the past, the better chance they have at producing international children of the future.
The ruling elites in today's brave New World Order recognize that their battle for global control will be won or lost in the classroom. Public school teachers who teach cultural "diversity" are the lap dogs of the ruling elite. The NEA (National Education Association) passes resolutions every year that are road maps of the planned society of the future. At the NEA's 1996 convention, over one-third of the delegates sported "NEA - GLC" (Gay Lesbian Caucus) buttons, and the NEA-GLC newsletter announced eleven caucuses related to its agenda. (Source: Eagle Forum, "Gay Lesbian Caucus Flaunts its Influence"). Homosexuality permeates the NEA, which dominates public education, which in many ways determines the future of the United States.
The NEA and the AFT (American Federation of Teachers) have a combined annual revenue of $1 billion and form the single most powerful block within the Democratic party. They were solidly behind Bill Clinton during his election in '92 and, since then, they have worked together to accelerate the destruction of America's biblically derived values and distinctive culture.
Public Schools Introduce Perversity at Tender Age - Institutional Child Molesters
It is not possible here to definitively list the controversial resolutions passed by the NEA. It will suffice to list a sampling of them. For example, the NEA is against homeschool programs and "if homeschool study occurs...instruction should be by persons who are licensed by the appropriate state agency...(with a) curriculum approved by the state" so the student receives approved "diversity" training, no doubt. (Resolution C-34, 1988).
"Funds must be provided for programs to alleviate race, gender and sexual orientation discrimination and to eliminate portrayal of race, gender and sexual orientation stereotypes in the public schools." In other words, the taxpayers should fund programs that promote homosexuality as a moral superior to normal sexuality and suppress traditional father-mother roles in the curriculum. (Resolution A-13, 1996).
"The (NEA) supports early childhood education programs in the public schools for children from birth through age eight...include(ing) mandatory kindergarten with compulsory attendance." Remember, the earlier the better. (Resolution B-1, 1996).
The cultural elite of the New Order recognizes the futility of changing people who are set in their ways. At the same time, they are patient enough to mold society over time by capturing the tender minds and souls of children through education. A puppet of Socialist experimentation by the name of Adolf Hitler spoke of this in November, 1933 when he said,
"When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side,' I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already...What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.'"
This belief was echoed by an article in The Official Journal of the American Humanist Association (1983) where the writer declared,
"I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly view their role as the proselytizers of a new faith.... The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new; the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of Humanism...."
So the change agents in education work diligently from coast to coast, introducing sexual perversion and promiscuity to ever younger minds, training them up for a life of mindless enslavement. Occasionally there is a convulsive reaction to this agenda, as there was in New York City in 1994 when school superintendent Joseph Fernandez was fired by the school board. Among the causes for his dismissal was his multicultural Rainbow Curriculum which placed such material as "Heather Has Two Mommies, Daddy's Roommate and Gloria Goes to Gay Pride" on the first grade reading list. After his dismissal he gave a speech entitled, "Trials and Tribulations of being a Change Agent" in Orlando, Florida, evidently referring to his suffering for the cause of truth. (Source: Florida Pro-Family Forum).
The list of abominations in public education goes on and on, from proposed school-based clinics offering condoms and sexual advice to grade schoolers, to intense counseling and discussion groups where the child's values are challenged without parental knowledge, not to mention the desecration of everything associated with the straight white male. In this day pubic schools are nothing less than institutional child molesters.
Society Destroyed Through Process - It's Too Late
The ruling elite of the New Order are promoting homosexuality and promiscuity for a manifold purpose. Their global agenda for population control is one motive, and another is their nearly completed plan to destroy the culture and social fabric of the nations where "men were men" and the women were cherished and protected - where strong families and stable communities were the bedrock the nation was built on. A promiscuous, perverse and dysfunctional population is much easier to control, manipulate and enslave.
Many professed Christians and political conservatives insipidly deny that it is too late for the United States and the world, but the truth is this nation has lost its culture, and it is too late to redeem it. What began with "tolerance" of immorality, the "innocent fun in the rumble seat" grandpa used to talk about led to greater and greater evils until this nation found itself being sodomized at the point of a gun in the contemporary culture war. It is too late to turn back. Now the deluge.
The militant homosexual agenda is one of the sledgehammers used in America's cutural demolition. This agenda is not just about equal rights - it is revolutionary in its scope and aims to recreate society in its own image. In her book, "The Hidden Homosexual Agenda," Beverly LaHaye wrote, "The homosexual ideology implies the intent to rearrange our perceptions, lifestyles, and legal system. In the strict sense of the term, this change is revolutionary. It requires, if it is to be effectively implemented, the careful and gradual application and transfer of power. The homosexual movement is thus not primarily a philanthropic or educational enterprise, but a hard-nosed political movement bent on changing our society."
Nowhere is this truth more shockingly portrayed than in this essay on the homosexual agenda, written by "gay revolutionary" Mark Swift and printed in the Feb. 15, '87 issue of Gay Community News. These excerpts are reprinted from the Congressional Record:
"We shall sodomize your sons....We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker your youth groups.... Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding.... They will come to crave and adore us. All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable.... We shall raise vast, private defeat you. The family unit...will be abolished. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory.... All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men. Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks."
What does the future hold for the United States and the rest of the nations swept into the net of the global culture? We may find the answer to this question by sifting the ashes of Sodom and Gomorrah.
(end of The Winds article)
As if being "fought", "punished", "assaulted", and squelched isn't enough, there runs throughout the country a thread of violently hateful sentiment, as expressed in the following. The page reveals the depths of irreconcilability to everything and everyone remotely related to Christianity. What if enough people like Mr. Rice ascend to positions of power? Note that some of the finest ministries (such as Campus Crusade for Christ, CWA, Coral Ridge Ministries, National Right to Life, Focus on the Family, etc) in the country are vilified in the most loathsome terms, and are lumped in with those whose philosophies truly are evil and despicable, such as the KKK and whatever Nazi organizations may be listed.
From a web site
The Skeptic Tank maintained by Fredric L. Rice.
Hate groups operating in the United States
Many individuals, groups, organizations, institutes, and foundations are currently active in the United States which exist for the sole purpose of destroying the Constitutional laws and rights upon which honest Americans abide. Their motivations are many, consisting of a broad spectrum of destructive and tyrannical religious ideologies. There are no known secular hate groups in operation in the United States. (If you know of any, please let me know so that I can investigate the organizations and report on them.)
Of course we have all seen the media coverage of these hate groups:
The better-educated among us watched in horror as David Duke, the one-time head of the Christian organization called The Ku Klux Klan, nearly acquired the governor-ship of Louisiana. Imagine what the results of a successful election for David Duke would have been to every Jew, black, Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Mexican, and atheist in the State.
We continue to observe hatred and bigotry spouted from every fundamentalist Christian pulpit across the country. Bigotry against blacks, women, homosexuals, Mexicans, atheists, and even other brand names of Christianity are all favorite targets for these purveyors of hatred. Using the rhetoric of "Hate the sin, not the sinner," these people manage to convince themselves they can hate with justification. Using the rhetoric of," Jews were created out of mud" and "blacks are the result of Eve copulating with animals," these purveyors of hatred manage to convince themselves they can hate with justification -- all of it fully sanction by gods and the Christian mythologies, of course.
Every week brings news of domestic Christian terrorists murdering abortion providers, blowing up business, or assaulting women. One Christian terrorist organization last month even went so far as to plant two bombs timed apart for the specific purpose of killing rescue workers working to aid the victims of the first. (Review the so-called "Army of God" Christian organization.) Every month brings news of a self-proclaimed "militia" taking "responsibility" for a terrorist act against what they pretend is "the enemy." Every one of the self-proclaimed "militias" are Christian terrorist organizations with a membership largely consisting of Pentecostal or Christian Identity believers. They believe that Jews are taking over the world with a so-called New World Order and that they have the right to murder children because "what about all those unborn babies murdered in abortion clinics?" They believe that the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States grants them the right to form "militias" of their own. (They do so by selectively reading what they wish and ignoring the rest of the Constitution.) Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, is a Christian Identity follower who was trained by one of these self-proclaimed "militias," led by a Baptist minister.
Voter apathy allows Creationists to subvert science education in the public schools -- until the populace learns of their stealth deceptions and turn out in mass to eject them the following year. In the same vein there are hundreds of anti-science organizations which seek to subvert science in favor of a racial or religious ideology masquerading as science -- every single one of which are the very antithesis of good, quality science.
The growing anti-women sentiment culminating in the creation of the Promise Keepers -- the so-called "Men's Christian Organization" which advocates the violent "taking back" of men's authority over their wives -- all for the little women's good, of course. During and immediately after this group's Klan rallies, many women have reported being accosted by these hate-mongering anti-woman bigots.
The instigation of unconstitutional laws around the country, each of which seek to feed upon the fears and hatred of the ignorant among the populace. From the "Communications Decency Act" to the infamous Proposition 2 in Colorado, fundamentalist purveyors of hatred and bigotry are actively seeking to enact unconstitutional laws.
When humanists and secularists ask for honest Christians to take care of their religion's garbage and try to police their members, the ages-old cop-out is nearly always employed: "Oh but they're not TRUE Christians!" Thus the problem is relegated to "It's not our fault because it's not our problem."
The problem is that Christianity is fractured into thousands of brands, each of them ranging from the positive side of the spectrum to the most evil side of the spectrum. Every fraction pretends every other fraction aren't "TRUE Christians." Thus honest Christians honestly don't see the need to police groups they can't acknowledge are their responsibility.
The fact is that hatred and bigotry is everybody's business. Sadly the clean-up of religious bigots have been left to the secular community simply because the religious refuse to admit they have a problem and will rarely even acknowledge they exists.
We all know the major players. Here is a list which will grow over the years. The list contains some of the major players as well as many of the hate groups which finance hatred and bigotry in the United States. As detailed information comes in concerning each, that information will be provided.
If you know of other like-minded organizations, please let me know so that I can check into them and include them in the list.
American Spectator.
American Center for Law and Justice. This hate group is led by Marion "Pat" Robertson, one of the most hateful bigots we have in America.
America's Promise Ministries. This is a pretty rabid anti-Semetic group which wants to pretend that white people are the "chosen ones" of the gods instead of Jews.
Amway Corporation. Has extensive ties with the Council for National Policy and provides funds for a great many bigot causes.
Aryan Nations. One of the better known organizations whose official membership must profess a belief in the Christian gods. While they mostly focus on anti-Semitism, they also advocate the murder of homosexuals. Meeting places are usually always Christian churches. Traditional robes are still worn during some meetings yet the ritual robe has been pretty much replaced by the business suit.
Bill Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ. One of the more notable hate groups seeking to replace the Constitution with a strange brand of theocracy. Billy Falling, Christian Voters League. This hate master has ties to LifeLine and the Randal Terry terrorist.
Cathedral of the Pines. An organization that allows the free use of a beautiful forest setting for weddings -- unless you're a Wiccan or Pagan couple, that is. When this organization lifts their ban on life- affirming religions using the facilities, they'll be removed from this list.
Christian Association of PrimeTimers. This group targets senior citizens as their victims. It uses the money that retired people have or receive for their retirement to work toward destroying the Constitution and installing their brand of theocracy.
Chalcedon Foundation. This cult wishes to discard the Constitution and install themselves as the leaders of a theocracy.
Christian Coalition. Considered by most Christians and non-Christians to be an anti-Christian organization, ironically enough. This group is one of the largest organizations responsible for trying to get Creationism snuck into the public schools. Also works to implant state-sanctioned prayers to the Christian deities in the public schools. Works to deny a woman's right to choose abortion. Also works to finance religious schools through tax money. Headed by Ralph Reed, this organization has become ever more deadly over the years. Agenda includes the replacement of public schools with fundamentalist Christian schools paid for by tax dollars.
Christian Reconstructionism. This is rather like Christian Identity yet, instead of a primary focus on race hatred, these Christians focus on discarding the Constitution and the Democratic Republic in favor of theocracy. Like most fundamentalist Christians, this hate group also wishes to execute homosexuals. One of the most vocal bigots representing this hate movement is George Grant.
Citizens for Excellence in Education. Organization attempts to get State-sanction invocation to the Christian deities imposed in the public schools. Also works to sneak Creationism into public schools. Agenda includes the replacement of public schools with fundamentalist Christian schools paid for by tax dollars.
Collegiate Network. Seeks to impose State-sanctioned prayer to the Christian gods in the public schools. Works to stop sex education in public schools. Has some experience attempting to get Creationism taught as if it were science. Agenda includes the replacement of public schools with fundamentalist Christian schools paid for by tax dollars.
Concerned Women for America. A not-very-serious kind of organization which focuses on anti-abortion, anti-woman, and anti-homosexual rhetoric. Publishes a minor publication. Ironically the group is intended for women.
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Cult master is D. James Kennedy. This hate group seeks to destroy the Constitution and install a theocracy in their own image. The hate group is violently homophobic and anti-woman. The membership is vocally homophobic. The rhetoric the hate group's leaders use are military in nature: they pretend they're "soldiers" and that they're an "army." Their rhetoric includes phrases such as, "government of christ." The hate group has ties to the Rushdoony cult and Christian reconstructionist racist groups. Kennedy also runs the "Center for Christian Statesmanship," directed by Frank Wright. It's violently anti-abortion and anti-woman as well as anti-ACLU, anti-United Nations, and its sales tactics include hatred of communism. Kenney's co-conspirators includes David Barton and Randall Terry -- two domestic terrorist leaders. Also conspires with R. J. Rushdoony, Gary North, and Pete Peters. Has further ties to the "Coalition on Revival" and the so-called "Christian Coalition." Council for Conservative Citizens. This group foments racism with special focus upon anti-Semitism.
Council for National Policy. Very secret organization which works to discard the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and seeks to impose theocracy in America -- theocracy done-up in their own image. Dobson, the leader behind the Focus On the Family cult, works very closely with this hate group. The group meets in secret yet Freedom Writer manages to `slip' reporters into their gatherings. At the Feb 7, 1998 gathering, former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, Steve Forbes, Phyllis Schlafly, and Christian Coalition president Donald Hodel attended. This hate-group is so secret that they don't publically announce their gatherings and special badges are issued to those invited to attend. The group works very hard to keep anyone out who might report on what they talk about though they have been infiltrated and can't do anything about civil rights groups taking their photographs from the bushes.
Domino's Pizza. Has a long history of financing domestic terrorist "Pro-Life" organizations. At one time a set percentage of this organization was distributed to a number of anti-abortion groups yet either the practice has stopped else (which is more likely) the organization has stopped advertising their financing of terrorist groups.
Focus on the Family. One of the most blatant homophobic groups in the United States. Finances Promise Keeper cult to some extent. Sells fear to the gullible over the radio then sells books, tapes, tracts, magazines, et al. to the gullible to "solve" their problem. (Contact Fredric L. Rice for further details about his personal involvement with this hate group.)
Free Congress Foundation.
Heartland Institute.
Institute for Justice.
Jack Chick Publications. This bizarre hate cult publishes comic books for their followers which are much like the comic books published by the Ku Klux Klan. The cult tries to make its followers believe that there is a world-wide conspiracy of "Satanists" and "witches" in America which kidnap, torture, murder, then eat around 300,000 babies. Since there is no evidence, law enforcement agencies are obviously involved in the conspiracy. This cult hates Pagans and Wiccans most of all.
Jerry Falwell. This hate leader seeks to disband the Constitution and install theocracy of his own creation. Violently anti-woman as well as homophobic. Falwell has allegedly paid out millions of dollars to keep the families of children he's raped from proceeding with legal charges.
Jews for Jesus. One of the more bizarre groups which specifically targets Jews -- and ignores the uncounted thousands of requests by Jews who want to be left alone. This organization demands that Jews should ignore the Christian blasphemy of making a god out of a man and the even worse blasphemy of making that man/god Jewish.
Jim Wickstrom. This loser is a Christian Identity master which has strong ties to the "Posse Comitatus," a cult which hates Jews and blames abortions on vague, unspecified "Jewish Doctors." This nut and his cult pretends that fetuses taken from people by "Jewish Doctors" will be blasted into space -- I'm not kidding; that's what this hate group tells each other.
John Ashcroft, Senator from Missouri. This clown wants to destroy the Constitution and construct a strange theocracy -- presumably with himself in charge. This guy is a senator and yet he's anti-American.
Ku Klux Klan. Probably the most historically militant hate group operating around the world. The activities of this group has been on the decline in the United States yet the organization is still huge and still exists. Members must profess belief in the Christian gods. The organization is ideologically in step with Aryan Nations. Usually meets in Christian churches. Organizes hate marches. The ACLU has also defended their rights to march and speak.
Landmark Legal Foundation. Funds attempts to create tax-subsidized religious schools. Agenda includes the replacement of public schools with fundamentalist Christian schools paid for by tax dollars.
Lifeline Long Distance. One of the most sickening hate groups you're likely to find. They specifically advertise intolerance for homosexuals and use 10% of their revenues to finance anti-abortion agendas and anti-homosexual laws. Also verified to be financing domestic terrorist organizations like Operation Rescue and the so-called Army of God. This hate group makes no apology for what it does.
Lyndon LaRouche. One of the most bizarre, insane individuals one is likely to meet. This hate monger is a very good example of what a belief in the Christian mythologies can do to someone when they are pathologically paranoid and hate-filled.
Manhatten Institute.
Nation of Islam. Originally started by Malcom Little (a.k.a. Malcom-X) this group started with the desire to bring equality to black Americans. Over the years it has become corrupt and politically abusive, focusing upon and fomenting racial disharmony. Lately this hate group has started to perpetuate conspiracy theories involving the Los Angeles Police Department.
National Association of Scholars.
National Empowerment Television.
National Interest.
National Right to Life.
New Criterion.
Operation Rescue. A domestic terrorist organization responsible for the murder of a large number of abortion providers. Headed by cult leader Randal Terry. The organization preaches hatred and ignorance and the submission of females to their male masters. The cult's leadership advocates the abolishment of the Constitution and the removal of women from the work force. The cult has recently started to jump onto the homophobic bandwagon as a means of increasing their revenues. Though Terry still runs this hate group, the leaders have put one Jeff White up as puppet leader controlled by Terry. This hate group generates organizations daily -- an example being `Operation Restore Liberty.' Many other hate mongers work for the group including criminals such as Rev. Flip Benham.
Parental Freedom in Education. Funds attempts to create tax-subsidized religious schools. Attempts to sneak cult followers into public school boards through second or third-hand organizations. Agenda is to replace public schools with fundamentalist Christian schools paid for by tax dollars. Partners Advancing Values in Education. Funds attempts to create tax-subsidized religious schools. Has some history of attempting to sneak cult followers into Public School boards.
Pete Peters. This individual is one of the most rabid spokesmen for the self-proclaimed "militia" cults that have sprung-up around the United States in the last five years. He and his groups demand that Jews are controlling the world in conjunction with a so-called "New World Order" within which the United Nations will be taking over the United States. Thus Jews become the puppet masters of an international, "Satan-led" conspiracy to destroy us all. Policy Research Institute. Funds attempts to create tax-subsidized religious schools. Agenda includes the replacement of public schools with fundamentalist Christian schools paid for by tax dollars.
Phineas Priesthood. The title "Phineas" is used by a great many Christian hate groups in the United States. The name is taken from the classical Christian mythologies. In the mythologies Phineas murders married couple because they were of different races. You can well imagine what this and other Christian hate groups with "Phineas" in their titles stand for.
Promise Keepers. Anti-woman, anti-homosexual hate groups which meet in football and baseball stadiums. The rhetoric employed is that the Christian gods sanction the violent "taking back" of male's dominion over women -- all for the little woman's own good, of course.
Public Interest.
Rodney O. Skurdal. This is one of the most blatantly and vocal anti-woman bigots you're likely to find. This one makes statements about how women should not be allowed in the workplace.
Scientology. This is one of the most criminal businesses yet created. They think nothing of torturing and murdering members and ex-members.
Stormfront White Nationists.
The Army of God. Much like Operation Rescue only this one takes responsibility for their terrorist activities. This Christian group claims the responsibility for several abortion clinic bombing, including the now-infamous double-bombing specifically intended to murder the rescue workers aiding victims in the first blast.
The Bradly Foundation. Funds attempts to create tax-subsidized religious schools. One of the more deceitful of such organizations. Agenda includes the replacement of public schools with fundamentalist Christian schools paid for by tax dollars.
The Church of Jesus Christ Christian. Ideologically similar to Aryan Nations and Ku Klux Klan. Anti-Semetic hatred is their primary focus. Engages in and advocates violence.
The Heritage Foundation. Finances racist "research" such as the book "The Bell Curve." One of the more serious groups which at least attempts to appear to be predicated in reason. (See the archive folder titled "The Bell Curve I.Q.") The Institute for Historic Review. An anti-Semitic hate group which tries to deny the Jewish Holocaust ever happened. While the group makes the attempt to appear scholarly, people who actually spend the time to review this group's publications or listen to the cult leader's rhetoric easily uncover the blatant lies. This Christian cult has a web site which exposes their own racist hatreds. This hate group also can been exposed on
Jewish Defense League. This group is the other side of the anti-semite coin which, though originally chartered to expose the revisionism and denial of the Jewish Holocaust, has itself become wracked with hate rhetoric. Said one Robert J. Newman in a JDL article titled "David Cole: Monstrous Traitor," "Don't you think it is time that we flushed this rotten, sick individual down the toilet, where the rest of the waste lies? One less David Cole in the world will certainly not end Jew-hatred, but it will have removed a dangerous parasitic, disease-ridden bacteria from infecting society." The article then is followed by what appears to be a threat: "JDL wants to know the location of Holocaust denier David Cole, pictured above. Anyone giving us his correct address will receive a monetary reward." Irv Ruben of the JDL later denied that it was a hit or a contract out on David Cole. The fact that the Jewish Defense League has not apologized for Mr. Newman's hate-filled remarks earns this group an entry in The Skeptic Tank's hate list. It will be removed when a public apology is made by Mr. Newman to Mr. Cole. NOTE: The FBI listed the JDL as a terrorist organization.
The John M. Olin Foundation.
The Moral Majority. One-time major player on the hatred and bigotry field, this organization has declined toward unofficial existence. The organization's leaders and members, however, haven't gone anywhere and are still active in promoting unconstitutional laws across the nation.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. As most everyone knows this organization works toward "raising" the living standards of dark-skinned citizens in the United States. What many people don't know, however, is that the leadership of this organization is becoming more and more Muslim. The hiring policy of this organization is entirely racist and elitist as well. The group has historically done much good for society yet has become ever more corrupt over the years.
The Order. This hate group is mastered by Bob Mathews, a domestic terrorist which focuses on racism and abortion. He and his cult like to demand that abortion in the United States is "the suicide of the white race" never mind the fact that abortion in the United States is predominately used by blacks and Mexicans.
The Rutherford Institute. Has a history of targeting children.
The Sarah Scaife Foundation.
The Sword and the Cross. One of the many anti-Semitic hate groups in operation around the world. Ideologically similar to the so-called "Identity"e; groups that are gaining in popularity among the anti-Semitic populace.
The Union-Leader (newspaper.) Right-wing extremist publication which is more of a bulletin than a newspaper.
Traditional Values Coalition. Anti-homosexual hate group which actively attempts to make people believe there is no such thing as a separation of church and State.
U. S. Tax Payers Party. Actively supports the domestic terrorist group Operation Rescue.
Voting Integrity Project.
West Minister Academy. This is a K-12 school which has ties to the Knox Theological Seminary. It's a private school wherein children are taught to hate.
Westboro Baptist Church, Topeka, Kansas. Rev. Fred Phelps. This is one of the most rabid homophobic groups in operation around the United States. This particular group is so evil as to actually "picket" funerals for homosexuals, turning them into fist-fights and riots. Though The Skeptic Tank has additional information on this hate group in the archives, Schartz Patrick provided a good summation: "They picket churches, schools, businesses, funerals against homosexuality. Everyone who does not believe in their ways of thinking is a homosexual or a Jezebelian whore. According to Phelps' group, Bob Dole is a fag; Washburn University is a institution headed by fags; and local churches have nothing but homosexual preachers. According to one Phelps follower that I encountered a few years ago, the priest at my Catholic church was a 'faggot.'"
White Aryan Resistance. This Christian hate group is led by Tom Metzger, a master who tells his sheep that abortion is okay provided it is of non-white mothers, otherwise the white mother should be forced to give birth at gun point.
Virginia Trinitarian Pro-nomian Alliance (VTPA.) This hate group seeks to overthrow the Constitution of the United States and works to remove the Bill of Rights. The followers are Christian Reconstructionists which attempt to install theocracy in the United States.
The views and opinions stated within this web page are those of the author or authors which wrote them and may not reflect the views and opinions of the ISP or account user which hosts the web page.
(end Skeptic Tank web page)
The logical step following vilification and hatred is persecution. More Christians have been murdered, raped, displaced, and tortured in this century than all the others, and we Americans can expect our share of it. We as a nation have turned our backs on God, and he will turn his back on us, let us go our own way, and he will let us reap the unmitigated destruction brought on by sin. We have sown to the flesh, we will reap corruption. We have sown to the wind, we will reap the whirlwind.
Unfortunately, many Christians have been lulled asleep by false promises of being raptured from all troubles, and have believed shallow teachers promising safety, wealth, health, and happiness for all Christians. In our lethargy we have allowed the evil and godless to control our culture, media, schools, government, and just about everything else. With the enemies of Christ controlling the organs of power and influence, it is only a matter of time before their guns are fully brought to bear on us. Those in Moslem and Communist countries are not escaping persecution. Those in the past have not escaped persecution. Neither will we, unless some dramatic changes take place, which presently are not happening.
We need to awaken the sleeping body of Christ, retake our culture, and prepare for the worst, should our efforts fail. (For more on the propriety and urgency of taking back our culture, see Randall Terry's article.) At the least, we need to defend the moral and spiritual health of our families from the destruction of the world, but we also need to provide for their physical security, or we are worse than infidels.
Consider the following letter from Voice of the Martyrs.
Would you be prepared to watch your wife and daughters, and perhaps even your sons and yourself, gang raped to the point of unconsciousness or death? Would you be able to defend those whose security God has put into your hands?
For the past ten years, persecution of Christians in Indonesia has escalated. Accounts of nearly 500 burned churches have reached my desk. I have viewed hundreds of photographs depicting demolished churches, torched church buses, and Christians victimized by radical Muslims.
At times one can almost grow despondent viewing the continuing tragedy. The same stories ring over and over in my mind. It is difficult to imagine what our Indonesian brothers and sisters endure.
When The Voice of the Martyrs reports the persecution of our family, we understand the Scripture which affirms the glory that is revealed by courageous saints refusing to deny their faith. Still, our hearts are touched. We weep with those who weep in Indonesia. On this side of the veil sometimes we still ask, "Why?"
The following account of eighteen-year-old Vivian, our Indonesian sister, falls in this category. It is difficult to read, difficult even for me to print. However, they are our family and turning our eyes away would do no justice. If we are to "suffer with those who suffer..." we must know the truth. We must understand their trials and tragedy.
It is important to point out that Vivian's family was attacked not only because they choose to follow Christ instead of Mohammed but also because they are Chinese, a minority people group and scapegoat for Indonesian turmoil. It is also important to point out that the service to persecuted Christians, like Vivian, is our mission--the purpose of our existence. As long as our brothers and sisters are treated in such a horrific manner, even one family, we will speak out and take every opportunity to help.
Although we would never question God and His allowance of suffering in the Body, we sympathize with the young girl in the following story. Many Chinese Christians have fled from Indonesia. Her family did not. I decided to let her testimony stand alone as a symbol of faith and courage.
This report is not meant for children and it should be kept from their eyes.
"WHY, DAD, WHY...?"
"At 9:15 a.m., a huge crowd had gathered around the apartment building. They screamed, 'Let's butcher the Chinese!', 'Let's eat the pigs!', 'Let's have a party!' We lived on the seventh floor, and we got a call from a family on the third floor that the crowd had reached the floor below them. The rioters even chased some occupants upstairs. We were all very frightened. In our fright, we prayed and left everything in God's hands.
"It was impossible to go downstairs, so we left our room and went to the topmost floor. We got to the fifteenth floor, and stayed there with one of our acquaintances. We saw some of the crowd coming out of the elevator right before we entered the room. We hurried into the room and quickly locked the door. As the rioters knocked loudly on the doors of the other rooms, we heard screams from women and girls. The room was filled with fear.
"We realized that they would come to our room, so we spread out and hid in corners. Outside, we could hear girls, ages 10-12, screaming. At that time I didn't know what was happening. After about half an hour, the noise diminished and we decided to go out. The scene was indescribable. Many young girls were lying on the floor. '0 my God, what has happened?' Seeing all of this, my little sister, Veny, screamed hysterically and hugged my father.
"Tears started coming from my eyes. We headed back downstairs. Reaching the tenth floor, we heard a scream for help. The scream was very clear, and we decided to go down and see. But as we turned, we saw a lot of people. I saw a woman in her twenties being raped.
"Realizing the danger, we ran with all our might. But unfortunately, the mob caught Veny. We tried to rescue her, but we had to give up. There were around 60 of them. They tied us--me, my father, my mother, Veny; Doni, Uncle Dodi, Aunt Vera-with a ripped sheet and led us to a room. Uncle Dodi asked what they wanted, but they didn't answer.
"They cast an evil and savage look on us. One of them grabbed Veny rudely and dragged her to a sofa. At that time, I knew she was in danger. I screamed loudly, and one of the mob slapped me. My father who also screamed was hit by a wooden block, and he passed out. My mother had fainted when Veny was dragged to the sofa. I could only pray and pray that the disaster would not befall us...
"Uncle Dodi kept trying to persuade them by offering money, but the effort was fruitless. In the end, Veny; Aunt Vera, and I were brutally raped by several men. Not able to stand all of this anymore, I cried and closed my eyes. Before beginning, each one said, 'Allahu akbar' (an Islamic phrase in Arabic, meaning 'Allah is the greatest').
"Not long afterward, around nine men came to the room and dragged me out. I also saw them forcibly dragging Aunt Vera. But, I fainted and everything was blank.
"I became conscious at around 5 or 6 in the afternoon. My head was in pain, and then I realized that I had no clothes on my body I cried. I was very depressed. I realized that my family was still there, and obscurely I saw my father hugging my mother. I also saw that Uncle Dodi was lying on the floor, and Aunt Vera was crying over his body I felt so weak, and fainted again.
"The next day, I was in the Pluit Hospital. My mother and father were beside me. With all the pains on my body; I asked, 'Mom, why Veny, Mom?' I felt a stinging pain as I said those words. I felt my cheek swollen. My mother instantly cried and couldn't speak any words, while my father, holding his tears, managed to smile.
"After four days in treatment, my condition started getting better. With a sad look, my father then told me what happened. After I fainted, seven people raped me. At that time my father still couldn't see well from being struck with the block of wood. They raped me, rolling my body and hitting it against the wall. Then, my father said to me, 'Viv, Veny is gone...
"I was confused and instantly cried loudly. 'Why Dad, Why?' My father didn't answer. He told me to rest and went out of the room. I cried over and over again, feeling that my life is worthless anymore. A week later, after I had been able to go home, I was told everything that happened.
"My father explained that Veny kept fighting her attackers, so they slapped her repeatedly. Finally a man grabbed a knife and stabbed her several times in the stomach. He did it repeatedly until Veny drew her last breath with blood covering her body.
"I was in shock. My Uncle Dodi was also stabbed to death as my Aunt Vera watched. She was also a victim of rape. Almost every hour, my mother and I cry over this tragedy I will never forget it.
"Why; God.. why should all of this happen?"
Suffering with them, Tom White
(end of VOM letter)
If the handwriting is on the wall, and crazed mobs of rapists and murders soon knock at your door, or even just one or two criminals, what should you do? As previously stated, we need to prepare for the worst, but what does that include? I would strongly suggest that every Christian, patriot, and decent person be armed sufficiently to hold off an angry mob, whether it be like the ones in Indonesia, or like the ones in the LA riots. I don't see this coming tomorrow, but it might be sooner than you think. And, with the growing threat of disarmament via gun control, you better be prepared ahead of time.
While each family needs to make informed decisions based on where you live, your finances, your physical strength, the local laws, and so on, I would like to make several suggestions. Purchase several firearms and ammunition based on your locale, etc. At least one should be a semi-automatic center fire rifle with at least half a dozen high capacity magazines, and enough ammo so that, after practicing and familiarizing yourself and your family with it, you will still have 1000 rounds to store.
For those who can afford it, I suggest you buy a .50 BMG rifle and as much ammo as you can afford. Don't wait on this one. These excellent firearms are next on the gun control hit list. Once they're gone, they are probably gone forever.
One of the most important caveats is: if your state and local laws allow it, don't buy from a dealer or from anyone who requires registration, a background check, a yellow sheet (Form 4473), or any identification. If the government doesn't know you have it, they can't take it away from you. Just be sure you don't break the law. You'll do no one any good if you are in prison.
If you are serious about purchasing
firearms, but don't know where to start, may I suggest you read
the Christian's Guide to Small Arms from the Gospel Plow web site:
While you are at the Gospel Plow, look around. It is an excellent
web site.
Last, I commend you to the words of Christ. In John 16:33 he said: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." In John 17:15 he said: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."
God never promised us an easy life, nor a convenient escape from the world's troubles. In fact, he wants us to count the cost, because the cost of serving Christ is to lose everything. He also promised us tribulation, persecution, etc., and he said that we shouldn't be surprised when it happens.
While we are doing everything in our power to protect ourselves and our families, we better be prepared to suffer in spite of our preparations, because our resistance may fail, or only be partially successful. See Foxe's Book for many examples. Our faith is not in our weapons or our preparations, nor is our faith in God preserving us from harm. Our faith is that God is in control, that He will be with us no matter what happens, that He can use whatever we go through for His kingdom and His glory, and that in the end, we will reign victoriously with Christ over our enemies. For the present, while we prepare, we must remember what Jesus said: "not my will but thine be done."
The consolation for all this trouble is that he will be with us through it, and he will even go with us through the very valley of the shadow of death. We might prefer that God would rescue us from persecution, or failing that, that he would enable us to successfully defend ourselves from it. However, there are times when his strength is most visibly revealed through our weaknesses, when we endure the severest suffering while steadfastly loving our tormentors. Again, see the excerpts from Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
If suffering persecution is so glorious, does that lessen the urgency or the propriety of resisting persecution? No! We are not any less blessed and rewarded if we fight instead of being tortured, maimed, raped, and killed. Not only is the answer no, if we do not defend the innocent, the helpless, and those for whom we are responsible, God will bring his judgment upon us. He certainly will not reward us for disobeying his clear commands to defend those we are able to defend, and those who we are required to defend.
Onward then, soldiers of Christ, to battlefields spiritual and physical. Our Captain is mighty, and though it might not seem that way now, He is the victor; he is King of kings, and He is Lord or lords. As you join the great conflict of righteousness versus wickedness, recall some of His rallying cries, spoken through his servants in the past, that urge us to the present battlefront:
Be strong, and quit yourselves like men...
that ye be not
servants unto the {wicked}...: quit yourselves like men,
and fight. 1 Samuel 4:9
{This was actually spoken by the Philistines while
fighting Israel, but Paul quoted it in reference to
Christians in I Cor 16:13, so I figure I can, too.}
And I looked, and rose up, and said
unto the nobles,
and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not
afraid of them: remember the Lord, [which is] great and
terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and
daughters, your wives, and your houses. Nehemiah 4:14
We are God's servants, his soldiers, his hands, his body, and even his battle horse (If you like Job 39, you'll also like Psalm 18, not quoted here):
Here's one final scripture to sum up
persecution and resistance
(sometimes God's people came out on top, sometimes they didn't):
"The right of
self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it
has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the
narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up,
and when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under
any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not
already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction."
- -- Henry St. George Tucker, in Blackstone's 1768
"Commentaries on the Laws of England."